Jun 28, 2021
Let's Talk About Plants! We’re joined today by Kathrine Kofoed, Wholist Weight Wellness coach and ACE-certified health coach. What does she want us to know about being plant-based? What does it mean to be a flexitarian? How can you incorporate more plant-based foods? What are some of the biggest misconceptions about...
Jun 24, 2021
We’re joined today by Karen Mangum, MS, RDN, LD, to discuss Joyful Body Movement. She discusses the importance of showing up for ourselves. Many people are resistant to exercise, but by changing the narrative and calling it “joyful body movement,” we can get back to doing what we love for the sole purpose of...
Jun 21, 2021
We’re joined by Dr. Shola Ezeokoli for the ninth episode in her series to discuss Mistakes That Will Cost You Your Relationship. She will cover five common mistakes, from the ability to apologize to the ability to communicate, and more!
Dr. Ezeokoli is an internal medicine doctor and the CEO and founder of Balance...
Jun 18, 2021
We’re joined by Dr. Jonar de Guzman, M.D., a board certified physician in Internal Medicine with Lifestyle Medicine certification, to discuss the topic of Lifestyle Medicine, which is a relatively new field that focuses on evidence based lifestyle approaches to treat, prevent and potentially reverse chronic disease....
Jun 14, 2021
We’re joined by Cathy Adolph for the seventh episode in her series as we dive deep into discussing Spot Training for Fat Loss. Fat cells are set on your body by the time you leave adolescence, so you can only change the size of the fat cells, which is hormonally dependent on what your body does with the food that...