Nov 29, 2020
Dr. Breann Fox is a doctor of physical therapy with specialty focuses in pelvic floor rehabilitation and health, visceral and neural manipulation, and myofascial release and strain. With this, she is an expert in urogynecological, pelvic, visceral and sexual health and wellness. Dr. Fox can be found on Facebook...
Nov 29, 2020
Dr. Beverly Reader is a board certified psychiatrist currently in private integrative psychiatry practice in Redondo Beach CA. She’s Georgetown trained where she specialized in women’s reproductive mental health. Now, she concentrates on patients who need help balancing their mental health through work within...
Nov 20, 2020
Sarah Calamita is a Board Certified Sports Dietitian and also holds a certificate in Adult Weight Management. She is the Registered Dietitian for the East Bank Club in downtown Chicago, one of the largest health clubs in the country, where she counsels clients on weight loss, heart disease, diabetes, GI issues,...
Nov 19, 2020
Nicole Meline has 4 masters degrees in humanities and science. She is the founder of Alter, a movement practice, podcast and soulful adventure retreats to spark bold dreams and a community of spirited leaders. She creates imaginative and inclusive wellness experiences that ignite you to embody yourself fully and craft...
Nov 15, 2020
Dr. Pat Dougherty is a Naval Aerospace and Operational physiologist, with a PHD in physiology and additional training in kinesiology and exercise science. He is also an all american and championship triathlete, and the backbone of Wholist Health’s 12 week program with exercise physiology and high level training...